Sunday, April 1, 2012

stormy weather and memories

There is a huge storm headed my way - I remember a time when I would be outside right now, sitting and waiting for the rain. Of course, the predicted half dollar sized hail wouldn't be the best thing to go run around in, so maybe that wasn't the best thing to have come to mind... I do love storms though. Thunder helps me sleep. I don't know why, but it does. That and the raindrops on my windows. 

ANYWAY, I was messing around on my computer, and I just found this picture that I played with in photo-shop a while back. Its of me and Andrew for prom a last year - before any of this Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome nonsense. Everything was fine and we were happy teenagers. Honestly everything was great and we had no worries... except for his Type 1 Diabetes and heart problems that we keep under control. Other than that, we were pretty normal. And now both of us are just medical money pits... Looking at this picture brought a lot back though. Prom seems to be the poster child of high school - almost everyone goes. Everyone has their prom story. The reason they went, the reason they didn't, what they did at dinner, some embarrassing memory. Everybody. Me? My memory is being able to walk in un-sensible shoes and not having to worry about whether or not my pain meds worked or not. Thats what I remember. I remember NOT worrying about the chair I sat in at the restaurant we went to, and NOT thinking about the stairs I had to walk to go to the bathroom. I remember falling once, because my ankle rolled like it did all of the time. No cause for concern. And I remember being happy, and healthy. Or at least I thought I was healthy... I wasn't, it was just that nobody could see it yet. It was hiding, because thats what EDS does. It hides and then pops out and says "APRIL FOOLS - YOU'RE NOT WHAT YOU THINK YOU ARE!!!" Thats what it does. 

But I'm not bitter. Not at all. :) I'm okay with what I've got. I just have to rant about it sometimes. :)

And this face... Well lets just say I have a habit of getting caught making some not-so-flattering faces when people have cameras pointed at me... Its a curse. 


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