Thursday, April 5, 2012

music, crazy-faces, and pants

Well.. Today was interesting to say the least. I had English class at Miami, then my tax appointment (I officially owe the government 300 dollars because my dad is a jerk... long story.) and then I had this Jazz concert that I thought was going to be terrible that turned out to be pretty awesome. 

I didn't think that it was going to be good because the other singers with the group that I've been working with don't particularly like me, well... I thought that they didn't. They didn't like my style. The band did, and the director did, and everyone who listened to me did, but the rest of the singers just... didn't. Anyway, I thought that they were going to pick on me the way that they had been, but nobody said anything at the gig, and everyone was really relaxed etc. We were at a retirement home, and all the older couples got out onto the dance floor and danced their hearts out... :) It was adorable. I did videos of me singing the two songs right before the gig, so I thought that I'd upload them here since it is REALLY easy to do that on blogger. One of them is "Summertime", and the other is "Blue Skies". I didn't end up doing Blue Skies at the gig though... I really wanted to we just didn't end up having time. The other thing about the gig was that the entire time I had to use my cane... I would think that at a senior center there would be bunches of people with canes and walkers- but no. The EDS afflicted teenager was the only one in the entire place with a walking-aid. It was kind of cruel humor that in a room full of 80 year olds the 16 year old was the one that couldn't walk. In fact, most of the people in the room ended up dancing at some time in the evening. 

Anyway, It was really fun, and almost made up for that 300 dollars I have to give to the government... I said almost. 

I also did a bunch of pictures this morning, and I'm going to show them to you, whether you want me to or not. I'm really bummed that picnik is shutting down... I'm just now starting to learn all about how easy it makes everything, and not only that, but the version of PSE I have doesn't have the curves function... Anyway. Heres the pictures I did. 

This is my Harper puppy again... Thats his "I love you unconditionally and I'm sitting because when I sit you give me yummy things to eat."

"not just birds can fly"

Did I already tell you about how Andrew has this habit of making crazy faces at me when I have a camera in my hand? This is a great example... 


There are quite a few pictures of Andrew in here... Thats his arm. 

This is the ring that Andrew got me for our one year anniversary. 

Andrew actually took this picture - But I loved it so I had to edit it. It's my pants. 

These are kind of the things that are making my spring break not a total bust... The rest of it is kinda terrible to be honest. 


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