Monday, April 9, 2012


Well today started off great, and then I pissed off everyone important to me. I have had a habit of doing that lately... I say the wrong things, and I say them even wrong-er than they are... I end up in a big mess. Like right now. I'm in a big mess. Which I hate. A lot.

My mom has this habit of treating my sister and I completely differently, and she even admits to it, because there are kind of extenuating circumstances surrounding each of us that require different methods of problem solving, but every once and a while it just strikes a chord somewhere inside my head wrong and I snap. I can't stand it sometimes, for various reasons, one of which being the fact that I want to be like everyone else but I can't. I can't be like everyone else and I never will be.

You know how I think that I have POTS? Well today when I got into my moms car after class at Miami I was suddenly overcome by a wave of faint-ness and slight nausea, accompanied by a kind of clammy hot sweat. The car was SCOLDING hot and she didn't have the AC on. I urned it on. She turned it off and snapped at me, I told her that changing temperatures drastically can trigger POTS and she told me to roll the window down. After that, even after getting home, I felt TERRIBLE for almost an hour and a half. She didn't understand at all when I needed her too.

And thats just the stuff that went wrong related to my medical problems. Don't get me started on the rest. >:(


Even playing with pictures couldn't fix this one, and everyone is still mad at me. I hate EDS. It's made everything so complicated and I can't do things that I used to be able to do and nobody close to me understands what I'm going through... Nobody.


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