Thursday, March 22, 2012

first things first...

So... I've never really done this before? A friend of mine told me that it would probably be a good idea for me to get all of the things in my head out on paper... or in HTML code?

 I should probably start at the beginning- I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome... And I bet you don't know what that means. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a connective tissue problem that effects the joints such as your knees and hips. It can be really painful, and annoying as I'll get out. >:( Its what I have though, so I might as well be positive, right? Thats most of the reason that I'm writing this. Well, partially that, and partially because I don't want to work on the Political science paper I have to have done in an hour... ANYway... 

I thought it would be a good idea to do this for myself, and for everyone else who has to deal with me. I can write everything here, and nobody will be bothered by my ranting aloud: I won't need to! I also thought that since this will be a very short post, I should add some pictures of my life/random stuff. 

 This is some graffiti in my hometown... I love graffiti. Its kind of like people putting a little piece of their stories up for everyone to see. 
I also have a slight obsession with doors... There are so many places that could go, and you have to take risks walking through them... blablabla... 

This is part of my room... I mostly just really like the picture. The tree leaves tyou can see in the background are on my tree- thats the tree that I painted on my wall which I change the leaves for with the seasons. Its kind of awesome. It also has pink flowers on it in this picture I think... :)

Well... Thats all for now. I'll have something else equally boring to say later I'm sure! 


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