Wednesday, August 1, 2012


In the past ten minutes I remembered that I haven't posted anything about nationals on here yet, and Nats was over a month ago. I feel like I have deprived all of my non-existant loyal readers... Anyway. Nats went really well, and I didn't have much time for photography while I was there, but here are a few pictures from one of the days we went out. :)

This is a really cool mural in Downtown Indianapolis that I saw when I was on the way to the market. 

 This was a really pretty archway that I thought I would take pictures of. It was really pretty. :)

This was the restaurant that I got my lunch at when we went to the market downtown. Their logo is an elephant so it makes me really excited. They had all kinds of elephant related things to photograph. 

This was the side of one of the vendors booths. It went on forever, but there wasn't any room left to write anything else on it so I didn't get to doodle. :(
This is my favorite picture that I took the whole trip. I really liked the effect that I got by looking in the window. It was really weird for me to look back on being in the chair too... It was so strange to be so dependent on other people for that longs. I didn't like it that much. 

I guess I'll post some more stuff about Nats when its not one in the morning. :)


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