Thursday, August 23, 2012

senior pics and the failure of an architect...

Hello internet. :) I have a few video posts that I'm working on getting up here from several days ago... I just don't know if I like a vlog format or not yet. Anyway.

I figured since I did some more senior pics of myself I would go ahead and post them because they're really fun.

This one is my favorite in this batch... I think I'm going to do another set before I get them printed.

They turned out really well I think.

In other news, I got my ring splints, and my new wheelchair. I love both things. :) My ring splints are amazing, because they really help with everything... The chair is wonderful because its compact, and light, and it makes my life a whole lot easier. :)

The unfortunate thing is when I use it at school, some of the time I don't even really need it. The reason that I use it so much is preventative. Sometimes at my school the people in the halls can be really rude, and by that I mean they will run into you for no good reason and push you down and then you fall backwards spin around and land on your kneecap, dislocating it. Not that something like that happened to me... freshman year... I'm not bitter.

But yeah. So some of my wheel-y chair use is really because I would much rather not be run into and dislocate things. Its just easier, unless I'm trying to get back from the Manchester building. You see, some designer a long time ago decided it was a really good idea to put a second building on my school, and not attach it to the main campus. The second building is called the Manchester building, and there is a road, a parking lot, and an onning that separate it from the actual school. It takes about 1/4 of a mile to get there walking. The problem herein lies that the someone who decided it was a good idea to put a California style school in the Midwest forgot that it snows. A lot. And there are kids in wheelchairs that will eventually have to wheel themselves through the snow. So yeah. This is NOT my happy face right now... And just you wait. It gets worse!!

You know how there are laws that govern things like how steep wheelchair ramps are supposed to be? Well there are. And those regulations say that wheelchair ramps in Ohio should be a 1 inch rise to 12 inch run ratio. Which is about barely sloped. So at my school there is this ramp, and its pretty much the steepest ramp I've ever seen that wasn't in a skating park, and it is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to roll yourself up the damn thing. You end up getting stuck, and then you realize that you can't go up any further without tearing the skin off of your hands, and then at that point, you realize that you can't really move because if you do you'll tip backwards... Its a very delicate balance and no matter how you do it none of the methods end in being at the top of the ramp in the hallway that everyone has to go down to get ANYWHERE in the school. Can you tell I'm more than a little bit miffed by this predicament that I've been in multiple times? Every day I have to wait for some kind soul to walk out of the adjacent bathrooms and hope that whoever it is is having a really generous day, and that they can take three minutes out of it to push my chair. Anyway...


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