Thursday, November 22, 2012

thankful for having... stuff

Hello internet! 

I think I'm going to start posting on here more regularly now, it's good for me. 

Anyway, it's Turkey Day! Happy Turkey Day! I feel funny saying that now, since I'll be having black bean burritos and salsa for my Thanksgiving feast. 

That's what my mom decided we were going to do. Ever since her mom passed, we really haven't had much to do on the holidays, so we've kind of been making up our own traditions. Like last year for Christmas, we went out of town and stayed in Hocking Hills for the week, and it was wonderful. 

I don't remember what we did for Thanksgiving, but I'm pretty sure it didn't involve turkey. 

And this year, I wouldn't eat turkey if it were prepared anyway. Vegetarians are picky that way... ;) 

I can't decide if this year will be better or worse than years passed though... I mean, I remember one year, I was so sick on Thanksgiving that I had to lay on the couch while everyone else was at the table and I ate homemade mac and cheese out of a cup. I was still too young to really understand why everyone was eating at the big table (we never ate at the big table) and I barely liked any of the food they had anyway, so it was no real loss to me. I remember wondering why everyone had their heads bowed before they ate, and I think I asked someone at one point, but I don't remember how they explained praying to me. At the time I had never really been around it, and now it just seems like second nature to me, you know? 

There was a time when I remember getting upset when people prayed before they ate. I think I disliked it because I found it uncomfortable, and I didn't understand. It's just not something that you really know what to think about when you don't grow up with it, you know? It's like families who hunt. If you were suddenly plopped in a family who hunted, you'd be like, "Woah, you shoot it and then cook it? And you do it all yourself??" but if you grow up with it, it's just something that you do all of the time. 

Maybe that was a bad analogy, 

Yeah. Bad analogy. 

But you get my point. Thanksgiving was the only time that my family ever got around a table and ate together. And even at that I'm pretty sure all of the men were so anxious to get back to whatever was on TV that they only spent fifteen minutes with everyone else and then they went to go eat the rest in the livingroom. I never understood that either. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is that no matter how I've gotten here, I'm thankful that I am where I am. I'm thankful that I have the people in my life that I do, I'm thankful that I'm the person I've become, I'm thankful that I have people behind me, supporting me, making sure I do the right things, keeping me in line, reminding me to be patient, and loving, and kind. I have so many things to be thankful for, we all do, and what do we do about it? Huh? We give all of those things one day in November, and then we ignore them and take them for granted the rest of the year. 

And just like everyone else, I'll go right back to that logic tomorrow. (BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING WOOT.) 

I just looked back at that post and realized how corny some of it sounds... but it's all true. So it's true and corny, which is better than fake and corny. So there. 

To take away from the corny part, I took these pics when I was bored one day, and I just edited some of them. :D

So there you go. :D You get some really sappy family stuff, and some cool pictures of leaves in the fall. 

I think that's a pretty productive post. 

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