Thursday, November 29, 2012

refusing to conform to social norms, and other things I shouldn't do

Hello internet.

Have I explained my biggest dilemma to you yet? Probably not... I've been having this problem. You see, it's about time for me to go to college, and become a real person. You know, the kind who lives on their own, and makes their own decisions, and does stuff like a real person does. And here I am, seventeen, thinking I know everything in the world... Well, not really that last part. That's whats so scary about it all.

I know exactly what I want to do. It's so painfully simple. I want to get meet someone amazing, fall in love with them, get married, have tiny people, raise them, cook dinners, clean the kitchen, end up with rowdy grandkids who drive me crazy, and die. That's it. I have no further aspirations. I mean, sure, it would be great to go to the moon, or publish a book, or record a record, or make some huge difference in the lives of other people, but the thing is, I don't really want to do those things. They're extras. The core of what I want out of life is to have a family, love them, for them to love me, teach them, be a parent, and then watch them live their lives and be successful at what they want to be successful at. If that's being a housewife, then that's what it is.

The problem here is the fact that nobody I explain this to understands. And not only do they not understand, they don't care. And you know what? That's not it either, because even if they DO care, they think I'm crazy! They look at me, and instead of seeing a person with feelings and aspirations of the life that they want to have, they see someone with what they all call "potential". They look at this walking pile of "potential" and say "Woah! We should send that potential to Harvard, or Stanford, Or Berkley, or Georgetown!" That's where all that potential belongs... Well, I think they're wrong. It drives me crazy.

I'm not potential.

And you know what? I didn't ASK to have all this "potential" now, did I? I mean goodness gracious... before I was born, I didn't sit down with God and have some conversation where I told Him "Hey. I'd really like to have an intellect so huge that the average person can see all the extra leaking out my ears when I walk down the street. I want my intelligence to be so darn obvious that no matter which way you look at me you see it, and you can't ignore it! I want to be able to do everything and anything! ...Oh, what's that? If you're going to be that smart you can't have legs that work? Oh well. That's fine. I'll take intellect over athletic ability." I didn't do that. (Nor did I intend to be that snarky a second ago... Oh well.)

My point is, I didn't ask for these cards, they're just the ones that I got. And while half of the people that I have ever talked to sit and tell me about how much potential I have and what a waste it would be for me to go into a field where I don't use it, or what a tragedy it would be for me to not use my skills for the benefit of the general population, or what a shame it will be if I don't grow up to be a neurosurgeon, or a nuclear-physicist, I'm sitting here telling the internet what a shame I feel it is for me to be forced to choose a career path and then be unhappy with my choice for the rest of my life. And by that I don't mean unhappy with what I picked, I mean unhappy that I chose to have a career in the first place. 

I don't want to ruin my own future. That's not what I'm trying to do, no matter what it looks like to you. I just want to make it what I want it to be.

Is that so hard to understand?

Is it really that difficult to grasp that some people have a different definition for success than the commonly accepted social standard? It shouldn't be. It shouldn't be hard at all, but apparently it is. It's asking people to step out of their own heads for a moment, and put themselves in my shoes. Asking them to try to understand what it means to be me. What it means to be someone with goals that are just a little different than everyone elses. Just a little smaller. Just a little... humbler. Modest. 

My goals are the goals that I've had since I was a kid... I was always afraid to tell anyone. And now that I've told everyone close to me, and gotten a negative response from (almost) all of them... well now I'm going to effectively tell the world. 

Not that anyone actually reads my little musings, this is mostly to make me feel better about myself. 

But anyway, I guess maybe I'm just hoping that someone with the same feelings reads this somewhere and goes, "Hey. Maybe I'm not alone." I dunno... Maybe that's unrealistic of me. Oh well. 

I tried. 

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