Wednesday, November 21, 2012

figured i'd catch y'all up...

Well internet, I got really bored today.

I have about a million things to catch you up on, since my last post which I'm pretty sure was months ago but I didn't have a chance to check before I just went ahead and started typing this run on sentence.
So anyway. I'll just make a bullet list.

  • I started ignoring my physical therapist. 
  • I started running. 
  • I'm falling behind in school a bit.
  • Speech and Debate has become pretty darn stressful if I do say so myself... 
  • I've taken up charcoal drawing. 

Well.... Let's start at the top and just go through them? Yeah? Cool. 

I started ignoring my physical therapist. I kind of pretty much decided that the exercises that she gave me were terrible and they weren't helping at all, so I gave up on that. I stopped them, and started doing real normal human being exercises. You know, the kind that actually help build muscle and improve your metabolism and make you all pretty and such. And honestly, so far so good. I mean, I've been feeling better, I have more energy, I have less dislocations and more time. I really like all of the changes I've been making... Oh! Did I mention in my little bullet list that I'm a vegetarian? Forgot that one. Yeah. I'm a vegetarian. It's pretty great. I feel better, have more energy... It's that and all the exercises that I love doing, really. Smoothies are wonderful. Just sayin'. 

I started running - That's a big one. I really loved to run before I was diagnosed with EDS. Running was one of those things that I did when I was stressed or when I felt bored, or when I felt anything really. I was a runner. Runners run. But obviously, knowing the nature of EDS I wasn't able to run anymore when the PT told me what I needed to be doing and what I needed to NOT be doing, and then when I started ignoring my PT I started ignoring all of those rules, and a runner was born. Or re-born... However you want to look at it. Now I do at least 2 miles at a time, almost every day. 

I've started getting bad headaches and that's what's been keeping me behind in school. I don't know why they started really, and I kind of miss them when they creep up, so by the time they're full blown nuclear wars inside my skull I'm in the middle of a Stats test and I can't really do anything about it. In short, it sucks. One time, I got a really bad one, and I went to bed at 6:00 in the evening and didn't wake up until 6:00 the next morning. I'm pretty sure that's the most sleep I'd gotten all in a row for months... 

Speech and Debate... Oh goodness. I don't even know where to start with that one... It's driving me crazy. Plus competitions are on the Sabbath, and that's not helping because I should be at church on the Sabbath... Ugh. Can you tell I'm getting flustered? I am. Lots. Lots flustered. Flustered enough that I'm leaving that obvious grammatical error in the last sentence. Anyway. I actually got 8th of 106 in my category of competition at the Glennbrooks speech and debate tournament, which is kind of a big deal for those of you who don't know much about high school speech and debate in the National Forensics League. (So technically I'm a member of the NFL... ) 

Well, the last thing that I have right now is the fact that I have taken up charcoal drawing. I thought that I needed another outlet, something to do with some of my pent-up creative STUFF, so I decided to draw. Most of them are actually with my art teacher at school right now, because I cut the matts for them on... Yesterday. On yesterday. It's been a long day, if you couldn't tell... 

She's okay - Not my favorite. I kind of imagine that she's listening to something on the other side of that doorway. 

She looked really surprised until I fixed her eyes. 

This was the first one I ever did. I like it. It's also pretty big, like three feet by 4 and a half. 

This pic is terrible, sorry about that. It was taken by my ipod, and it wasn't taken this close up either... Oh well. 

This one looked a whole lot like me until I messed up the eyes. 

These last two are my favorite - I actually did this one yesterday. Just a day... This pic isn't great either, but you get the idea. 

She's my favorite. I have no idea who she is. That's what I like so much. 

Let's see.... There has to be something that I'm missing when it comes to catching you up... But in the meantime, how bout y'all watch this. It's the best thing ever in the history of everything. No really. 



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