Sunday, July 29, 2012

gastro, senior pictures, and chili. not in that order.

I already remembered something else to babble about. 

My gastro problems have been getting worse, and the doc is actually trying to keep a close eye on me because I lost some weight between appointments, and because my symptoms have been getting worse. Guess what we think the problem is? Wait for it... Milk. >:(

So we think I'm lactose intolerant, which really stinks because in my house ice cream and milk each get their own food groups. I mean, the house has three women, so basically we eat salad, macaroni, ice cream, and chicken when we need protein. Its not exactly as if we keep all kinds of food in the house, because we don't eat that much. But now Brie has to branch out and she likes it so little that she is writing about it in angry third person. I mean, I made eggs for breakfast, I've been eating bananas like crazy... I tried to eat a greek gyro last night, but that didn't agree with me. From what I've read lots of EDSers will develop gastro problems, especially if they're on naproxen like me that tears up your stomach. 

The other thing that I just love? My mom made chili for dinner. Yeah. Chili. And I know that chili has nothing to do with lactose, but there is no way I'm going to be able to eat spicy chili... I hate the "find-food-that-Brie-can-actually-eat" game. I'll just throw together fruit salad... 

Oh! And something else to update about, I did my senior pictures. I'm not done with all of them yet, but I figured that I would put what I have done up here because I'm kind of proud of them. :) 

If you can believe it, these are all taken in places in my yard and my house so far... 

Most of my friends think this on is their favorite now. 

Well, thats all for now folks... 

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