Saturday, May 26, 2012

my birthday

My birthday went mostly well, and by mostly I mean most of it was awesome. The other parts sucked, but the good parts made up for it... None of that made sense because its midnight and I need some sleep. 


Sunday, May 6, 2012

zebra month

HAPPY ZEBRA MONTH EDSERS!! :) Its EDS awareness month, which (as my mother has pointed out several times in the past six days) is also my birth month. Go figure. Anyway, I'm still on crutches from my knee-episode, which is being drawn out longer than it should be because I hate walking on crutches and I hate lugging them around everywhere, and we also don't have a knee brace because I left it at my fathers house from the last time that I dislocated my knee-cap badly. So basically I'm doing everything that I shouldn't be doing to help it heal, like sitting here criss-cross-applesauce style (kindergarten flashback much??) writing this post. Which makes my knee hurt. I should probably stop that. 

Anyway, this whole thing has stressed me out quite a bit about prom, which is this coming Saturday, and whether I will be able to dance by then or not is still to be determined. Apparently my joints are more unstable than I thought because I keep waking up with my leg in all kinds of not-so-normal positions because of the floaty knee problem... Oh well. I'm just going to have to get used to all of this. 

The one plus about the whole prom thing is that I figured out what I'm going to do for my jewelry last night. My Grandpa, (mom's dad), sent me a card with a check that will cover my dress, and not only that, but he included two pictures, one of him at his 1955 prom, and one of my grandma at her 1960 prom, laminated. I thought the whole thing was really sweet because not only did I not expect any help with the cost of things, I found it very thoughtful of him to send me pictures and a card. It was really sweet. So last night, I was sitting going through some things because I needed to find the right album to put the pictures in, and I realized something I hadn't thought of. Normally, I make the jewelry that I wear to dances to match my dresses, but this year my dress is olive green with gold detail, and I don't wear gold jewelry, nor do I feel like buying gold wire. The only gold jewelry I have is the jewelry that my Grandma gave me out of her jewelry box when I was very small. I decided that I'm going to wear a ring that she gave me, with a necklace she gave me, and I'm going to extend a baby bracelet that she gave me as well. I want to give a little shout out to my Gaumi (Thats what my sister and I called her) for my prom this year since she won't be there that day to see me. I think she'd like that. 

How does this touching little story come full circle? Well, my Grandma was the one who gave EDS to my mom, who gave it to me. So at my prom, in EDS awareness month, I will be wearing the jewelry that my grandma gave me along with the genes she passed to me too. :)

Magic huh? The floating earrings?? :)


Friday, May 4, 2012


Some awesome pictures... And by the way, Its hailing here like CRAZY. Its great. :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Its been forever since I've posted, not that it matters since I have no followers. Anyway, Andrew and I are fighting, I have NCS, not POTS, I do have IBS, and I also happen to have a swollen knee-cap because this morning I was getting into the car to go into school late for the second time this week, and I tried to lift my rolling backpack up into the car, and then I heard a very loud terrible crunch and I was on the ground screaming. Thank the universe that I fell to the ground in a way that moved my knee-cap back to where it belonged, because I don't know what I would have done. Well, thats a lie. I would have done the same thing that I always do when that happens, move it back and try to get up. But the thing was this time I had already been having a terrible morning, and my mom was there with me, and I was just crying so hard, it was just... very different. It was as if the cries were primal, in a sense. I felt animal. Like an injured , helpless, animal. And considering I am human, and definitely not a monkey or anything, (although sometimes I wonder what it would be like...) I was very upset by the fact that I felt so helpless. I don't like being that way. I was sitting in the middle of the driveway, holding my knee for dear life, ugh. It was terrible. Long-ish story short, I have had a terrible day. :(
