Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I have discovered the wonders of instagram of late. Seriously. It's wonderful. I can do ALL KINDS OF THINGS with pictures, and then show them to the world! Not to mention the fact that a whole lot more people are interested in instagram than look at my blog... So there's that.

Also there are SO many different photographers who put their stuff on instagram. It's like, crazy.

But in other news, I'm stressed out. This is simply because I have all kinds of things that I have to get done, and not enough time to do them, so I'm using my blog as an excuse to do *none* of the things that I should be doing right now. So I should probably finish this post quickly and get back to studying for my midterm exam that I have tonight that I will inevitably fail... Not excited about that one, if you didn't notice that by the use of the phrase "inevitably fail".

Well anyway, I shall say an early goodbye to the internet, and go back to studying.

Goodbye internet...
