Saturday, September 1, 2012


You know what Loyal Readers who don't exist? I believe in God. I haven't blogged about it, so I thought I should. 

I believe in the God who created everything I have, and gave me my life to do what I will. And you know what else? I believe he loves me. I have a friend who sent me the link to a few videos last night, and they were pretty great, so I thought I would share them here, even though nobody reads this. Maybe someone will watch them... At first I wasn't a fan, and then it all changed.
So click this sentence to see the bestest video ever. And if you already have faith, click this half of this sentence to see something that just might make you cry. But anyway, I watched these, and all of the other videos that Digma has on their website, and I was amazed. 

No really. I was just all smiley for hours because it was just a re-affirmation that there are other people who believe in the great God that I believe in. Anyway, I just wanted to put that here. So watch those and be amazed.